Saturday, December 20, 2008

Santa Claus is Comin' To Town


Sarah said...

i think its funny they will still take a bath together! :)

by the way i like your snowflake back round on the blog!

Sarah said...

man you did a ton of blogs at once! :)

TLALONDE16 said...

My work mailbox warned that it was getting too full, so I have been deleting deleting deleting....I came across one of your emails that said "I started a blog"...clicked on it, and am so glad I did.

I miss seeing your glowing, happy face discussing the kids. Your blogs/videos totally made up my mind to have ONE more kid! (You need one more too)

I think it is TOTALLY HILARIOUS that you took on an old lady at church!!!! It sounds like you lost since she got the last word(s).."I know I am"....she forgot to say..."But what are you?" HA!

Anyways, blogging is a GREAT idea. Good job keeping up with it!