Sunday, November 2, 2008

Catching Up

Since I'm new to this there are a few photos I'd like to put up and blog about.  First let's start with our pumpkin carving.  I will say BJ did a kickass job at carving them out.  That man is so talented.  (Apparently I can't rotate and edit pics once they are here.  Sorry about that...lesson learned.)

The kids had a Harvest Festival at school so myself and my grandma went to watch the kids and help out.  The kids were so excited to have GG there.  We call her GG for Great Grandma.  She is 87 years old and as spunky as ever.  Man, I love that woman.

Sorry about the layout.  This is getting frustrating.  I need to figure this out a lil better.  Not feeling well might have a little to do with this.  I will stop for now and maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck with photo placement alongside the text.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

good job BJ on the pumpkins!!